Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Finishing up the shoot

Last Friday John and I finished up all the sequences that involved Eeva. It was a great time, just whizzing through the last little sequences, six months after we shot the first ones!!! Eeva then flew immediately back to Finland, where she started her new job on the Monday morning. Thank you so much Eeva for your help and we'll miss you! I still have a couple of shots to pick up of the empty city at night and at dawn, so it is not officially a wrap.

On a different note, I went with John to the Strongroom Studios to audition people for his new film. It was great to see another filmmaker at work in the casting process. It was fascinating how he discussed the ambiguity that he enjoys creating as a filmmaker. I thought back through Rosie, and realise that this is not an element that I have adopted myself, preferring instead to direct a story for the audience, albeit with an ambiguous ending.

I guess that whilst I was inspired by John's approach that we discussed in the Symposium in November, we are and always will be, very different filmmakers. Thankfully, there is room in this world for both of us.

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