Saturday, 22 August 2009


Since I've had the film back from Matt at Windmill Lane, I've been experimenting with encoding options which will make this film more compressed. Ultimately, the playout from Windmill Lane was 181GB, which is hideously big and not unusual for full HD. However, Justin McCarthy at Abaltat needs only a mp4 file to compose the music, so I've shrunk it massively to achieve that.

Overall, I am uncertain about the film at this stage. This is normal for me. I have always veered from love/hate relationships with my projects. But it is always difficult to sustain momentum when you are in the negative head space about a film. I think this may be the greatest benefit of a bigger team, is that you always bring one another along.

One thing is for sure - I am tired.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Completing Rosie

Completing Rosie from James Fair on Vimeo.

Sunday, 9 August 2009


Today I sat with Matt Branton and coloured Rosie. It was an exciting time, because it certainly starts to come together. We made some fairly bold decisions with some of the coloring, especially the flashbacks, and I am fascinated what John Bradburn and Andy Paton would make of the decisions!!! Personally, I think it adds a great deal to the film.

I'll write more about the process at some other stage, as I am tired from constant travelling and work right now. I am posting this small video to see the dark room that Matt and I have been working in for 8 hours!

Rosie @ Windmill from James Fair on Vimeo.

Monday, 3 August 2009

28 mins approx...

Andy Paton shows me his rough cut and has managed to shave 8 minutes off of mine. He wants to get it down even further, which is exciting. I must admit, I prefer his cut to my own, and all of a sudden it is flying...

I need it done by the end of the week though so that it can be ingested to the computers at Windmill over the weekend before I get colouring with Matt on Monday. It goes from being a sideline in my lifde to the main event again.

Sunday, 2 August 2009

Back in Brum

Rosie from James Fair on Vimeo.

Worked out that the dodgy sync issues on Vimeo are because the video is better at 29.97 frames and it was slipping. What a great way to spend a Sunday...